Sunday, May 30, 2010


Kara had some sort of bug yesterday morning and threw up a few times. She went down for a morning nap and was fine afterward, so we went to David & Stephanie's wedding. Well, I think Mark got whatever Kara had, as he has been sick since about 4pm. Hopefully its super short like Kara's was.

Get better daddy!

Edit: So about 3 hours after I posted the above, Chloe and I both got sick. So all three of us got very little sleep. We're still really sore, but at least we can all eat again.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Congratulations David & Stephanie

2 weeks later, and another wedding is over. Thankfully this time none of us were in the wedding party. We could just go and enjoy the wedding and reception. Both were very nice. Though the wick on the unity candle was in an awkward spot, and it took them too many tries to light it.... but they persevered, and we got a good laugh out of it :)

We wish Dave & Steph a very happy life together. They are both great people and I know they will be greater after taking this wonderful step.

Also, I made cookies this morning so I would be able to have dessert. They were tasty. :D

Friday, May 21, 2010


Today is our fifth anniversary! WOW! It has been eventful and wonderful and sometimes hard, but it has all been worth it. We have two beautiful daughters that we love and we are just as silly as ever, if not more. Love and marriage sure are fantastic :)

This is us 5 years ago:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ricky & Audrey's Wedding (and our little flower girl)

Our friends Ricky & Audrey got married yesterday! Yay for them! Chloe was their flower girl. So cute!


It was a long day and Chloe was very well behaved. Mark was also a groomsman - very handsome! It was tough on me to take care of both the girls, though thankfully I had our friend Juana helping me out before the ceremony.

Here's all of us dressed up in our finery:

Everything else around here is going well, though both Mark and I are feeling very tired. In fact, I'm going to go put Kara to bed now, and then go relax on the couch with a book. Good night!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Moms are wonderful. In fact, my mom took Chloe to Victoria this weekend - it doesn't get much more wonderful than that.

So thanks to all the Moms out there who love and cherish their kids, who work hard so kids can play, and who generally just rock. Your kids love you.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So I wrote this part on Monday:
We're all alive, and all tired. Mark had a stag on Friday/Saturday, and while he was at it, the girls and I stayed at my mom's. I also went to a stagette on the Saturday afternoon. Then Sunday was a going-away party for my sister who is at this moment on a plane on her way to Thailand(!!). We often seem to pack too much into a weekend and end up more tired on Monday than we were on Friday (like now).

And now its Tuesday. We're feeling a bit better today. Still tired, but I managed to sleep until 8:20, which is very amazing! Mark is only working 8 hour days right now, which is helping with us feeling better sooner.

However, we've still got a very busy May. This weekend is Mother's Day, and another stag/stagette combo. Then we've got 2 weddings and our anniversary (5 years!!!) later in the month. Thankfully there are no birthdays to worry about.

I'll go to bed now. I need sleep.