Sunday, June 17, 2012


When I was fabric shopping much earlier this year, I found a beautiful light purple fabric with sparkles on it. I knew I had to buy it and make something for Chloe or I would forever regret it. Then Jane came along, and the project had to wait.

After about a month of slowly sewing away, I have finished! Here I present 2 summer dresses for two pretty girls, with great twirly skirts.

And no, I did not use a pattern, I just made it up.

Monday, June 11, 2012

30! And funny (not real) word of the day!

I am 30 today. Wow. That's all, really.

This morning, Kara said "Its the humungest!" I don't even remember what she was talking about, but it was the biggest, but apparently extra big or something....